Well, like most times, not a lot has been going on as well as a hell of an awful lot.
As for traveling, about a month ago I just was out and exhibiting at the Toronto Comics and Arts Fest (TCAF.) It was a brilliant weekend and Kelly’s first time in the city. A week after that, was the Denver Comics and Arts Fest (DeCAF), which was organized and put on by the Colorado Comics Collective (which I’m a member of, so there was a lot going on that weekend.)
And that was my last show for awhile. I’ll be around all summer as my next round of exhibiting trips is not til September, but that is the start of my busy season: Small Press Expo (SPX right outside DC), Denver Zine Fest, then Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC in Columbus, OH) are only a week apart from each other. After that in November, I’ll hopefully be at Thought Bubble in Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK again; as well as MiCE in Boston in early December.
As for actual new comics, the In The City, Part Three is complete and in the can. I’m just waiting on a proof from the printer before I order a full print run. So, I should hopefully have copies of the new book at SPX in September. I have some commissions and freelance work to get to, but I’m planning to start working on Part Four within the next month. Get right back up on that horse and maybe have it done before the end of the year.
Lastly, I was sitting at one of my locals a few days ago when copies of the debut issue of Denver’s new free art & culture magazine DenVERSE were dropped off. I recently did some illustration work for them, including the cover. The issue looks great and is a brilliant new addition to the local art scene. If you happen to be in Denver, look around for a copy. They’re free!