What? It’s Friday again? That means its time for a new 30 MILES OF CRAZY! (#38)! This week: The Furry Issue… or YES, FURRIES STILL CREEP ME RIGHT OUT!

So… I went looking around the series of tubes that we humans call ‘The Internet’ for some way to promote my kind of funny little comic. How can I get my illustrated missive into other people’s virtual hands? Hey Eyeballs, look over here towards my corner of the internet and such! So, I went looking at webcomic hubs in an attempt to find some way to reach a broader audience (…cuz, that’s where the money is and I’m a greedy little miser!) I was a little unnerved to find that the few sites I found were mostly dedicated to furry/manga comics… which I have little to do with.

“Excuse me… I do a webcomic about living, drinking, insanity, despair, stories, and about some of the interesting characters that you meet in the city. Would you be interested in… “

“Does it have weirdly drawn men and women depicted as cartoon cats and dogs getting in to sexual and/or space adventures?”

“Ummm…. no.”

“Sorry, not interested.”

Hence… my blatant pandering in this comic…

So… here we go! Queue this week’s Musical Accompaniment! … and a bonus one just for heretical laughs. 

… Also, check out under the comic for this week’s VERY SPECIAL MESSAGE!!!!




Hey, People of Denver! This Saturday, March 8th is the 30 MILES OF CRAZY! art opening at TOOEYS OFF COLFAX! It’s also the Denver Vintage Reggae Society’s 3rd Anniversary, so there will be great music as well! Come down for the art, stay for the booze!

Things kick off at 7PM!



